Voice actions android 4.0
Voice actions android 4.0

voice actions android 4.0

And the "recent apps" list loads instantly when you tap the button - the slight delay present in ICS is a thing of the past. Transitions, especially between the home screen and app drawer, are significantly faster.

voice actions android 4.0

With Jelly Bean, the phone rotates far more quickly than it did in past Android releases. It's no mere gimmick, either: The difference in speed from Android 4.0 to 4.1 is immediately noticeable. Google calls its Android 4.1 performance push "Project Butter" because it's meant to make everything run much more smoothly (either that or because it's salty and delicious - but I'm assuming the former). What about performance? Is Jelly Bean really faster than ICS?īelieve it or not, it is. And the initial phone setup/sign-in process gets a major makeover with Jelly Bean, the process is far more simple and user-friendly than what we've seen in the past. The search box at the top of the home screen has a new frosted type of look. Jelly Bean introduces a new system "share" menu, too, along with an improved "open with" box (you know, the dialog that appears when you tap on a link or file that more than one program could handle). These types of subtle improvements all add up to make the Android interface more polished and impressive than it's ever been before. And when you open an app from your home screen, the app opens by zooming up from the space you touched. When you move your finger over the lock screen, for example, a circle of tiny dots follows your touch. Lots of new effects and transitions are sprinkled throughout the system, too. (It also has some new functionality - more on that in a bit.) The notification pulldown has a new look, with larger text and more gray and white in place of blue. Jelly Bean keeps the basic look and feel established in Android 4.0 but fine-tunes a lot of details.


(If you're not yet on ICS, you've got some big changes in store see my Ice Cream Sandwich FAQ for the full scoop on the 4.0-level revamp.) If you're coming from Ice Cream Sandwich, the visual differences in Android 4.1 are subtle - more refinements than revolutions.

Voice actions android 4.0